One Month Gone ... A Lifetime to Go!

Well, I've been "Mrs." for over a month now, and have had lots of opportuity to refer to Eric as my husband, and I've even had to fill out a form and check the "married" box.  So, I figured it was time to finish up my sentimental reflections on our big day.

We considered a small wedding... but just could not imagine missing out on a good party with all of our friends and family!  We had a great time, and hope you did too!! 

 And now for my most favorite thing.... :)

A few more of my Favorite Things

Like Shauna (and, it turns out, Gloria), I also loved the "Cookie Bar" - particulary the cookie jars (I'd say the maccaroons but I didn't get a chance to eat one before they were gobbled up!).  Back on the "Meet the Parents" weekend, Mumsy, Maman and I whipped these up using materials I picked up when my sister Susan came to visit.  They turned out beautifully ... and I am tempted to always have a few hundred cookies on hand so I can keep them just the way they are.

The ceremony details were also just great.  The words spoken by the officiant, the two readings by my sister Susan (who got a little choked up!) and Eric's cousin Nadine, and the music by my Uncle Hugh (which almost got ME choked up).  It was all just perfect... though one of those things I wish I had a video of - it went by so fast!

Janet's Flower Shop suplied the bouquets.  They were exactly what I wanted - colorful and lush, but still a little wild-looking.

Last of my favorite things (for today's post anyway), was the MacNeil Family Jam Band.  My cousin Terry, my uncle Hughie and Special Guest Patti had a great time earlier this summer at a MacNeil Family Reunion, and had another great time at my wedding!  I owe them a big thanks for lugging the gear to Hatfield, setting up, and putting themselves up there in front of a bunch of strangers.  I always have a great time with them, and can't wait for the next jam!