By Request

By request, here is a link to some photos of our house. It wasn't ours at the time, and it looks a lot different now since we've painted the dining room, kitchen, living room, entry way, upstairs and downstairs hallways, en suite bathroom and master bedroom. :) And of course it doesn't have much furniture in it yet. We just finished painting today, and hope to really move next weekend. We haven't exactly packed much yet. :) A few other things I can't wait for -- double sinks in the kitchen, linen closets, new dining set and new bed (both of which arrived this week). I'll post some "after" pictures when we are a little closer.

April Already??

Since we've sent out our wedding invitations, someone might actually look at this website, so it's time to start posting some blog entries! Since Christmas, we've been going pretty much full bore. First wedding-planning, then house-hunting, and now since we've taken possession of our house (yay!!), painting and packing! As far as wedding goes, dress is ordered and venue is figured out. Some invitations are out, more to come. As far as the house goes, along with my Popsy, we painted a very large portion of it this weekend. It looks fantastic, and we're so excited to move in! Of course, we're nowhere near ready at the moment (haven't packed much). Among the things we will NOT miss about our apartment: lack of dishwasher, electric heat, lack of yard, floor openings down to the basement, oven that is (albeit consistently) off by 50degF. Short opening entry I know, but I'm pooped! Happy, but pooped. :) - Erin